Tiku Talsania, known for playing several memorable comic characters in Bollywood films for over three decades, says that he is “happy to see Gujarati films are in a positive space.” Tiku, who did the D-Town film Vaahlam Jaao Ne in 2022, shares, “I am glad to be a part of the industry (D-Town) at the right time. The positive response that the industry is getting from the artistes and audiences is a good sign for the future.”
‘There are fewer formula films today’
Having worked during an era when films focused mostly on lead actors, the Andaz Apna Apna and Hungama actor feels things have changed for the better.He says, “It is all about growing, both as an individual and industry. There was an era when the lead actor was the hero of the film. But now, the script is the hero. The focus is on bringing a good script to the audience.”
He adds, “Formula films used to be hits once, with some romantic songs, a cabaret dance and comedy scenes. But there are fewer formula films today. It is great that filmmaking is evolving with time.”
‘It’s good that comedy has so many subgenres now’
Tiku has done films where the comedy was very different from what we have today. Talking about the change, he says, “It is exciting to see that comedy has so many subgenres now. It’s a positive development because things like stand-up comedy are giving work and platforms to so many talented people.”
Theatre gives me the required adrenaline rush’

...a still from his Gujarati film Vaalam Jaao Ne

Tiku, who has done numerous Gujarati plays like Ne.. Bachu Bachi Gayo and Jenu Khisu Garam Eni Same Sau Naram, says theatre is his “first love and gives me the required adrenaline rush.” He adds, “I haven’t done theatre in recent times, and I am wondering how I have survived without it (laughs). Also, I had the opportunity to play so many characters belonging to different genres. It has enhanced my craft. In films, I was given more comic roles, but theatre taught me new things every day.”
Talking about his daughter, who is also an actress, Tiku says, "Shikha is doing everything by herself. I have never pushed her towards anything, including choosing her work in the industry. I am always there to guide her if she needs me, but I am happy to see her creating her own path."
On his upcoming projects, Tiku says, "I am grateful to be working continuously and getting good scripts. While I would like to explore direction now, I am also eager to do OTT projects."